Concierge tasks
In Mantenimientos Antonio Gil we know of the importance of good execution and development of the Concierge / Control Services. For this we have an Operations Department that is responsible for giving application to the different standards applied to each Work Center through its service inspectors. GENERAL FUNCTIONS SERVICE CONSERJERÍA / CONTROL
- Traffic control in restricted areas or restricted circulation.
- Information on accesses, custodies and verification of the state and operation of facilities and any type of auxiliary management.
- Check and control of the status of general installations, portals, common areas, electrical panels and fire systems to guarantee the operation and physical security.
- Reception tasks, visitor verification and orientation of the same, as well as control of goods receipt, contract …
- Control of certain correspondence and keys.
- Withdrawal, location and cleaning of garbage bins.
- Performing periodic rounds inside the facilities.
- Checking the correct functioning of:
- Electric panels.
- Water and gas supplies.
- Garage CO Elevators.
- Pressure pumps
- Doors, fire extinguishers, lighting
- Facilities in general
- Random random rounds.